James David Bear - Online Memorial Website

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James Bear
Born in Virginia
37 years
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Family Tree
Frances Bear (mom)
The burning of the two candles next to your pictures, I talk to you and pray with you, for my beloved son James love forever Mom
Anthony Bear
Uncle jimmy you will never be forgotten. you will always be with us & in our hearts i love you uncle jimmy!! you are our angel
Monica Bear
Ill never forget you uncle james youll always be with us & in our hearts love you & miss your smile R.I.P. Uncle James <3
Tamara Skelton
02/14/2008 "Happy Valentines Day!!"
Ricky Anderson
"Rest in peace James. You were a good friend and I will miss you."
Robyn Plantz
"Rest in peace James. I hope God will let you continue your hobby in heaven. Say Hi to David for me"
Anthony Fish
"Rest in peace, I miss you and you will always be with me, Love ya Bro..."
James Gresham
Dear Jimmy, You will always be in my heart and memories. Love you, Buddy.
Melissa French
I will always remember your wonderful talents and great big smile.You will never be forgotten and always have a place in my heart.
Shirley Blaylock
My dear Nephew, I wish we had spent more time together. I will have you in my heart forever and will see you in heaven one day.
Frances Wever
The World is round and the place which may seem like the end may also be the beginning." Ivey B Priest
Angel IsaBella Carvalho's Mom
Very sorry for the loss of your precious James,you are in my prayers.I lost my daughter she was 21.God Bless Your hearts
Victoria Bear
My uncle jimmy was a great person its hard to let you go but we still have you in our hearts. We love you uncle James!!
Larry Bear (Dad)
I love you dearly son,you will always be in my heart & my memories.i will miss you dearly.be peaceful.
Joey Bear (Brother)
As your on the far side of the sky spread your wings and be our Angel forever. I miss you!! Love Ya Brother
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