Solène |
Tellement désolée |
September 23, 2012 |
I would like to write this text correctly, and I apologize in advance for not speaking english very well. I'm french and saw a little part of you're life, calling: "des serpents dans ma chambre: Fatale Attirance". I just wanna tell you that I can understand your passion and I have a grand respect for your wife, who have enough love for you to let you live with snakes... whatever it cost to her (fear, anxiety...) I don't specially like snake, I don't specially have fear of them. Your story just learn me, that true love dont deal with forbidding (?) and I saw all the love that people of your family have to you. I'm really sorry if what I say is in a approximate english, I swear I do my best! With all my respect for a great man, and all my compassion for the lost of his family. <3
sorry to see of your loss |
November 26, 2011 |
Danielle, saw your story on animal planet tonight, sorry for your loss.
Dan from Pa.
Danielle Plantz (wife) |
soulmates |
July 5, 2008 |
I never imagined in my entire life I would ever call myself a widow. We were supposed to grow old together and be together forever. We were going to tell stories to our grandchildren. Well now I get to tell them what a wonderful loving father and husband you were. You were the best you know, I was the happiest and luckiest woman alive. That's how you made me feel. I still feel that way because I still have you with me always, and I have our children. Everytime I look at Seth I see you. He looks just like you more and more everyday, and he acts like you too! These last 6 months have been the hardest and longest 6 months in my entire life. I remember laying in bed with you telling you that I hoped nothing ever happened to you because there would be no way I could live life without you. Well here I am still living, not sure if I want to but for our boys I have too. So I will keep on living with you on my mind and in my heart forever and always, and I will raise these boys to be strong, loving, caring, men just like their daddy. God I would give anything to have you back, even for just one minute to tell you how much I love you and miss you. I'm so sorry this happened to you. I think about you every second of everyday. I hope you are up there looking over me and helping me make the right decisions for our boys. I promise to do a good job with them. I hope that you left this world knowing that I love you more than life itself. You were my soulmate and I will never find another soulmate. So wait for me my honey bunny, in time we will be together again.
Pamela (Cousin in CT) |
Thoughts and Prayers |
March 25, 2008 |
I haven't seen everyone for many years but you've always had a place in my heart. I remember Jimmy from the younger days in Norfolk. When I found out what happened, my heart sank. I unfortunately understand on a deep level the loss everyone feels being a bereaved parent myself. My thoughts and prayers go out to everyone that knew and loved Jimmy. I know this is a hard time to get through but the days will get easier. The pain of his loss will always be there, but you will learn to cope with that empty feeling and smile with the thoughts of him. Jimmy will always remain in our hearts.
Love, Pamela
David Bear (Uncle) |
Hope |
March 8, 2008 |
To my brother Larry, my nephew Joey, my lovely neice Susie and to their mother Frances. Death is truly an enemy. We were created to live forever but as you know through one man (Adam) sin entered into the world and because of sin we all die. But God made a way out by sending his only begotton son Jesus to die for our sins and because of that all who have ever died now have the hope of a resurrection to life once again on a paradise earth.
The Bible states that the condition of the dead is made clear at Ecclesiastes 9:5, 10, where we read: "The dead know nothing at all --- There is no pursuit, no plan, no knowledge or intelligence, within the grave. Death, therefore, is a state of nonexistence. The psalmist wrote that when a person dies, "his spirit goes out, he goes back to his ground; in that day his thoughts do perish -psalm 146:4.
So they are simply asleep - no longer in any pain or suffering. But this is where the true hope comes in. Jesus said that the hour is coming when all those in memorial tombs or graves will hear his voice and come out -John 5:28,29
This resurrection will take place right here on earth and according to all the signs of the last days that the Bible talks about, it will be very soon. I look foward to seeing the wife (Sybil) that I was married to for 30 years and also our Father & Mother and also my nephew James David all who are resting in sleep. To them it will seem like only seconds that they were asleep and then they are awakend and see their loved ones once again. Jehovah God cannot lie - his word will come true as it always has. Jimmy will live again.
Love Uncle David
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